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Back To Basics ~ Int'l Version Without Nipper LogoChristina Aguilera, Heather Holley, Harry Jensen, Harold Beatty, Gladys Knight, Gerald Thomas, Georg, Dj Premier, Tony Reyes, Ray Yslas, Ben H. Allen, V. Young, Steve Winwood, Raymond Angry, Linda PerryRCA Records Label
Christina Aguilera : Back to basics - Live down unVarious Artists / Various Arti, Aguilera Christina / MIGUEL GANDELMAN / BRIAN FRASIER-MOORE / ERROL COONEY / ETHAN FARMER / GARRETTRCA Records Label
Moulin Rouge 1 et 2John Elton / MARIANO MARTINEZ, Various Artists / Feliciano Jose / Stanley Paul / Sample Joe / Edge The / Broadbent Jim / Crewe BobPolydor